
Challenges, accomplisments, fun, creativity



A meditative voice journalling experiment

Pizzicato Recorder

A recording extension module for PizzicatoJS


A tic tac toe game coded in vanilla JS for logic and JQuery for DOM interaction.

Rogue Like Dungeonkeeper

A rogue like Dungeonkeeper clone built with ReactJS.

Run Camp Nepal

Responsive site for a running camp in Kathmandu. Built on Node with lightning fast Ghost blog.

An FCC Points Camper Leaderboard

A ReactJS frontend project to display JSON data for the top contributors to FCC.

Alpe D’Huez Doping Analysis

An interactive analysis of doping allegations for TDF riders.

Global Meteorite Analysis

An analysis of global meteorite landings with D3 and TopoJSON.

Socket.io Stock Charting

A real time stock sharing app using websockets with Socket.io, React, and D3.

A Simon Game

A Simon Game built with JQuery and Vanilla JS with timing events and simple UI.

Twitch TV Listing

Shows a display of currently online users using the Twitch.TV API based on an array of usernames.

GGs Drive Inn

A responsive and dynamic Wordpress site build on the _s theme from scratch. Built with SASS.

Visual Network

A Pinterest style sharing app for users to share their favourite images. Built with React, Node, and uses MasonryJS styling.

Strava Social

A relationship mapping tool for Strava athletes. Maps followers around the globe and shows relationships between all your followers.

Chart The Night

A nightlife coordination app built with ReactJS, NodeJS and Express. Track nightlife and find the best bars in your area.

Book Share Club

An interactive collaborative sharing website for book clubs built with NodeJS and Passport for authentication.

Summit Training Camp

A responsive booking website for triathlon training camps in Thailand